What are the characteristics of the "modern world"? Part I
We are going to try to analyze the presuppositions of the "modern world" (many of which the culture of the developed world still ardently confess and uphold). This is a difficult task. I want to list some points for further development. This is not an exhaustive list:
[1] The Modern Epoch had serene confidence in the ability of human reason to progress without limit in the development of the material and "moral" universe.
[2] This progress was identified with the triumph throughout the world of the mindset and culture of post-Enlightenment Europe (or, more broadly, "the West").
[3] The Modern Epoch was the age of ideologies, of "isms" and "ists"--expressing the hope of imposing on the complexity of reality an ordered, universal, scientific plan.
[4] The technological experience of the Modern Epoch was unprecedented in human history; yet it did not introduce into the ordinary everyday lives of the masses of people access to "powers" that go vastly beyond the ordinary capacities of the human body extended by the use of tools and devices within the scope of ordinary human experience. Example: For uncounted millennia, the human being was capable of traveling on water with the aid of a floatation device (i.e. a "boat"). The Modern Epoch developed and expanded this tool, so that the human being could travel on water faster, more efficiently, and against the water's current (i.e. the steam engine boat). The human being today? He or she can fly over the water at unimaginable speeds (faster than the speed of sound, if you can afford it). As for boats (or submarines), well...where do we start? There is a difference here, and it is not just a matter of convenience. We experience the world in a way that would be unrecognizable to our "modern" ancestors.